Michael B Jordan, do men love hair extensions, what sexy men think about women, sexiest man alive

Do men love Hair Extensions?

Hair Extenions

Michael B Jordan, do men love hair extensions?

There was a song back in 1990 that came out called “Hair or Weave.” The hook was: 

"Is it really your hair, or is it a weave?"

It was a goofy lowkey catchy song stigmatizing women wearing extensions. 

But fast forward to 2023 - many men might be shocked and even appalled if their woman didn’t wear extensions.

“Bae where’s them sexy azz bundles” - Her Man

So to answer the question “Do Men Love Hair Extensions?” - the answer we’ve gotten at True + Pure Texture from the fellas is “OHH HELL YEAH!!!”   

There's a common misconception that men prefer women with just the natural hair they're born with, but the truth is many men find women who wear hair extensions incredibly attractive. Here are five reasons why men really do love women that wear hair extensions:


Michael B Jordan, do men love hair extensions?


Men love variety and love a diverse range of eye candy. To keep it real, that’s often the main reason why some men cheat. They desire a different kind of sex appeal. So not that wearing hair extensions should be necessary to keep your man, but…changing up your hair with hair extensions can be the ultimate aphrodisiac for him.

What’s better than a man having several different fantasies fulfilled in one woman who embodies multiple women, all in one, with her hair extensions. Especially if they're the luxurious, sexy curly hair extensions from True + Pure Texture!

 Textured Hair Extensions

Men love seeing the many different hair extensions styles women can pull off. Hair extensions can offer a wide variety of styles instantly, that natural hair may not be able to achieve. This includes curly hair extensions like what we offer at True + Pure Texture. From blowout sleek and straight to voluminous curls, hair extensions allow women to experiment with different looks and express their creativity. 

Hair Extensions

Webbie & Boosie already told yall - men love an “I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T - do you know what that mean” kinda woman. And that sexy glow up confidence a woman has always exudes from her look…from head to toe. Every hairstylist knows beyond being in the hairstyling business, she’s in the Self-Esteem business. And men cannot resist a confident woman! Confidence is the real “Law of Attraction” when it comes to men.

Confidence is key to attracting high value men, and for sustaining the attraction in any relationship. Hair extensions are a powerfully sexy way to boost a woman's self-esteem. Hair extensions gives a woman the ability to instantly transform her look, which makes her feel even more confident and sexy. When a woman feels good about herself, it radiates to those around her, including her partner.


Hair Extensions

Men find long hair to be extremely attractive and alluring in a woman. Long hair plays into a fantasy that men have had since the beginning of time. The overwhelming majority of dancers operating as a man’s fantasy in the strip club have long hair. So ladies, we don’t want to outsource the fantasy to another woman.  You can drop it low, and your hair can hit the floor lol! Now it’s easier than ever to add length and volume to your hair with hair extensions - especially with the plentiful curly hair extensions options with True + Pure Texture. 


Hair Extensions


One thing that men don’t like is when we take all day getting ready for that hot date when he doesn’t wanna be late. True + Pure Texture hair extensions, ponytails, clip-ins, and wigs are the ultimate beauty fix to save time and energy on maintenance. You don’t have to spend precious time styling or blow-drying your hair every day. With our True + Pure Texture hair extensions offerings, you can easily have fuller and thicker hair that requires less daily maintenance. Men love a woman’s whose figured out her beauty routine to the “t,” while still being efficient with their time.


Hair Extensions


Lastly, hair extensions are trendy and fashionable…and men know it and love when we keep up with the latest beauty and sexy girl craves. They hear us talking about our precious hair bundles and “my little ponytails.” And they know when they step into the spot, with us on their arm as the prize trophy looking like America’s Next Top Hair Model, they’re all for it. The more fly we look…the better they feel and the more props they get!  

So sis, you aint got nothing to lose? Don’t be afraid to experiment with hair extensions #DontPlayWitIt.

Long hair don’t care boss chicks stay winning. It’s a new day and unless you’re dating someone born during the Great Depression - the modern man today loves hair extensions and wants more of it. When it comes to premium hair extensions - True + Pure Texture is the long-lasting beauty milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard!  

Choose your hair extensions fantasy today



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