“We will not let protective styling & haircare live separately with True + Pure Texture. They will live together like diet and exercise.” – Pekela Riley
For the entire year of 2022 True + Pure Texture has claimed #ProtectTheCrown as the unapologetic empowerment rally cry for textured hair women around the world to celebrate our royally lit natural hair and beauty #byanymeans. Textured hair is the apex, and our protective styles is the assignment!
Whether blown out, kinky, curly, or loosely coiled ranging from 2A, 2B, 2C - to 3A, 3B, 3C -to 4A, 4B, 4C - a queen’s natural textured hair crown is her fearless “flex” of her limitless power that channels her ultimate self-love from within. Protective styling baby!
Did you know 70% of women worldwide have textured hair?
That means textured hair in its diverse 2A-4C ranges of wave and curl patterns make up the overwhelming majority of women doing the damn protective styling curly girl thang across the planet! “Who runs the world…CURLS!” Textured hair and protective styling all day every day! 2A-4C girls put ya hands and textured hair strands up!
Up until recent years, countless textured hair queens were historically dragged through the sociocultural mud for choosing to wear textured hair protective styling extensions aka “weave.” Women with curly naturally textured hair but choosing protective styling that’s straight were put on blast for wearing non-textured hair that was obviously not the same as their natural textured hair. I remember a boy embarrassing the hell out of me in school by yelling out “Dat Ain’t Yo Hair…Cuz Dat Don’t Match!” He did not see the consistency in my naturally textured 4B-4C hair versus my non-seamless non-textured hair protective styling
So let’s address the 2 hidden sins in this textured hair protective styling conundrum. First – Why do textured hair women even rock hair extensions as protective styling?
To look fly, sexy, & fine AF? Ummm…hell yeah! But that’s not the main reason we cover our natural textured hair with protective styling. You ready for the real protective styling is in such demand?
*drumroll please*
WE’RE LITERALLY PROTECTING THE CROWN with our PROTECTIVE STYLING! Especially when our textured hair type ranges from 4A to 4C. It’s called protective styling because that’s actually the #1 priority for literally protecting our natural textured hair.
Every young Black lady or highly textured hair woman recognizes at some point that she MUST find a way to protect her natural textured hair from inevitable breakage and damage that would come from daily tugging and manipulating if absent of protective styling, plus weather conditions year-round. That’s why protective styling is soooo critical to maintaining healthy textured hair and achieving noticeable textured hair growth, especially at 4A, 4B, 4C ranges.
Now the second sin to the textured hair conundrum is:
Why was there no textured hair extensions options for protective styling to achieve a natural match?
But now True + Pure is disrupting the hair extensions and protective styling category with kinky-curly textured hair that’s true to you. It’s the perfect match for your textured hair. So much that our textured hair proactive styling, ranging from 2A to 4C textured hair is offered at as the FIRST EVER Black-owned natural textured hair extensions protective styling offered by a national retailer.